Calming down a newborn baby
Learn effective techniques to calm a crying infant. Molfix provides practical tips for soothing your baby during their first months. Read more here.
Hello dear prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well, In this program I will be telling and demonstrating you how to clean your baby’s bottom in baby girls and boys.
Hello dear prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well,
In this program I will be telling and demonstrating you how to clean your baby’s bottom in baby girls and boys. When the babies are first born their digestive system is initially quite primitive. And during the first weeks they pass stool so many times that you would be amazed. Your baby could pass stools 10 to 15 times a day. The incorrect way of cleaning your baby’s bottom could cause urinary tract infections in babies, especially in baby girls. Yes, you can see that my baby has passed stools. You must also be aware of the fact that they don’t like their diapers to be unfastened and removed. They start crying when this happens. Let us see whether your bottom is clean my baby, I heard some sounds coming from you. Yes, there is lots of poop. Starting from the top, moving to the bottom, wipe your baby’s bottom with the clean part of the diaper, and close it over the part remaining on the bottom. Use wet wipes to start cleaning from the uppermost clean part, in other words from the groin and continue cleaning gently in between the legs, through the genital area and in the meantime take care to use only single strokes from top to bottom. After this, we lift up the legs of the baby to clean the lower genital area, in between his/her buttocks and cheeks, before we remove the diaper from underneath him/her. We end the process by applying cream on his/her bottom. When you get used to it and the frequency with which your baby passes stools decreases, you can start washing his/her bottom under the running water. As you can see, an umbilical cord notch diaper would leave the umbilical cord out in the open, which is important in terms of umbilical cord hygiene. You should not apply any pressure on it. The indentation on the diaper in particular helps the umbilical cord to stay out and thus facilitates its drying process. As we seal the side tapes of the diaper, the bottom of your baby would be clean and fresh. As can be seen, the umbilical cord remains out without any pressure on it and moreover it is protected against any wetness to ensure that it dries and falls off in a short period of time. This completes the diaper changing process.
See you in the next program, goodbye for now