There is no trouble related to gas during the first weeks in newborn babies, this is because their digestive system has not properly developed yet, they usually pass watery green-colored stool during breastfeeding.
However, soon your baby will experience gas or trapped air. This is when you can apply massages to release gas for the comfort of your baby.
Massages to Release Gas: Gentle Techniques for Babies
Digestive discomfort is common in babies, often caused by trapped gas. This can make your baby fussy and restless. Learning effective massages to release gas can help provide relief and promote comfort for your little one.
What Are The Massages To Release Gas?
Gas in babies is an inevitable situation, this is due to the fact that they cannot move their bodies, they are in a continuously laying position, consume only liquids, their digestive organs are developing, digestion bacteria are forming, and on top of these, they swallow air while sucking
Most of the air swallowed will come out as burps by tapping on the baby’s back, Despite this, small air bubbles that pass into the intestines combine with the movements of the intestines and transform into big air bubbles and get stuck at some point in the intestine and the gas that gets squeezed as a result of peristaltic movements of the intestine causes severe spasms. The abdominal wall is also hard and tense during the spasm that occurs in your baby due to gas, and if you immediately start maneuvering to give a massage, your baby will cry even more as he/she will be in pain.
Prior to applying the massages to release gas, first lay down the baby in your lap, lightly rock him/her on your legs, meanwhile, rub your palms quickly making sure that your palms are warm and cover your baby’s tummy with your warm palms. Warm application will relieve the stomach spasm of your baby, sometimes you may even see that the baby may relax with only this step.
Whereas after the spasm is treated, by applying the massages to release gas listed below, you can distribute the air bubbles that cause spasms in your baby’s intestines in a homogenised manner and with the massages, ensure their passing out. This approach works very well for your baby who is having issues with passing gas and stool and will make your baby relax.
Repeat each move six times, count to 10 between movements and apply push exercises to the tummy.
- The movement stimulates the small intestines but make sure that your hands are warm and you will have to use oil so your hands may smoothly slide on the baby’s skin. Pull your hands in turn from below the rib cage down towards the abdomen as if you are emptying the stomach.
- On the large intestine area, apply clockwise massages to release gas. Imagine that there is a clock in the stomach of the baby and place your left hand at six o’clock. Move clockwise with your left hand, when you continue like this, you will be making circles clockwise, whereas your right hand will make half circles in the direction from ten o’clock to five o’clock. Repeat 6 times and perform the exercise of pushing the knees of the baby towards their stomach for ten seconds.
- Lastly, in this move place your thumbs right on top of the belly button and pull your fingers towards the side of the belly, as if you are straightening the pages of an open book; 6 repetitions and have your baby perform knee push exercise for ten seconds. The stomach will soften and your baby will be able to pass gas and stool comfortably.
Other Tips to Relieve Gas in Babies
In addition to massages to release gas, you can:
- Burp Your Baby Frequently: After feeding, hold your baby upright and gently pat its back to release air.
- Use Tummy Time: Placing your baby on their tummy helps apply natural pressure to the abdomen, which can release gas.
- Monitor Feeding Techniques: Ensure your baby has a proper latch during breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to minimize air swallowing.