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Approximately 10 percent of babies are born prior to the 37th week and are named premature. Since these babies have yet to complete their development in their mothers’ wombs, they are usually born with some health issues.
Approximately 10 percent of babies are born prior to the 37th week and are named premature. Since these babies have yet to complete their development in their mothers’ wombs, they are usually born with some health issues.
As premature babies are born without fully completing their organ developments, some need to stay in an intensive care unit and within an incubator for a long time while others are required to be connected to a respirator. It is extremely important that a pregnant woman who has a high probability of premature birth should give birth in a hospital equipped with a neonatal intensive care unit.
Rapid developments seen in the medical field in recent years enables even 23 - 24 week-old tiny babies born under 1000 g to live. However, the earlier the baby, the more issues are encountered and possible complications increase.
Health issues that may arise in premature babies:
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