Baby care may seem challenging in the first few days of motherhood, especially for a mother who does not have any previous experience.
Baby care may seem challenging in the first few days of motherhood, especially for a mother who does not have any previous experience. We have listed baby care for the first 40 days, which is the phase in which the mother establishes a certain order and is also the time to get to know her baby
- You started to breastfeed your baby in the hospital. It is important that the mother frequently breastfeeds her baby and holds her close to her chest to build up the bond between the baby and the mother. Click here for nursing.
- Do not neglect to frequently clean your baby’s bottom so as your baby’s sensitive skin does not get irritated and specifically use the baby diapers prepared specially for newborns with an umbilical cord notch. Click here for changing diapers.
- Bathing your baby on a daily basis is important for her to sleep comfortably and for her growth and development. You do not need to use shampoo when washing her every day. Click here for bathing.
- Mothers prefer to use gloves with their babies as newborns have the tendency to scratch their faces with their nails. Whereas hands are the first organs babies discover. Mothers should know that by putting gloves on their babies, they slow down the perception and motor development of their babies. So, instead of putting gloves on your baby, cut their nails with a pair of blunt scissors.
- Newborns may sleep a lot in the first days. They need to be woken up and breastfed every 2-3 hours.
- It is recommended during their sleep that in order for babies to have a long and comfortable sleep, their hands may be swaddled loosely and in a manner that leaves their feet free in order to avoid their faces being scratched with their hands and preventing the movement of their arms.
- Setting the head of the baby’s bed slightly elevated will be beneficial for babies with reflux.
- Playing classical music at low volume in the baby’s room will comfort the baby.
- Taking your baby outdoors for 10 minutes every day helps the baby to get fresh air and sunlight.
- Ventilate the baby’s room for 10 minutes every day.
- Massages given to your baby after he/she is nourished and bathed by using an appropriate oil is extremely useful in order for your baby to move his/her arms and legs as well as the development of his/her muscles. Click for baby massage.
- A baby will have some gas problems as her digestive system and new intestines settle down in the first days. Gas issues in babies lead to discomfort and create a major issue for the sleep of the baby. You may comfort your baby by making her burp. Click for burping.